March 16, 2020 Earlier Than Expected Brain Evolution: Based on research conducted on the lamprey eel's brain, the cortex region of the brain is now thought to have originated more than 500 million years ago, 200 million years earlier than previous estimates. "These findings are crucial to our understanding of how the brain evolved and how it has been designed through evolution." - Sten Grillner, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
AOJ Take on this article: designed through evolution is a key phrase. Although the mechanism of design might be evolution, the Designer is God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. The sudden emergence of the complexity of the brain cortex is a hallmark of the intentional work of a Designer.
March 23, 2020 Fossil of Ancestor of All Animals: At least 555 million years ago, during the Ediacaran Period, tiny, rice-grain sized bilateral animals, named Ikaria, burrowed through oxygen-rich sand on the ocean floor. These creatures are reportedly un-related to the other Ediacaran creatures such as the Dickinsonia, which is considered an evolutionary dead end. "Burrows of Ikaria occur lower than anything else. It's the oldest fossil we get with this type of complexity." - Mary Droser, UC Riverside
AOJ Take on this article: The sudden appearance of complex, though tiny, animals with no known evolutionary ancestor demonstrates the handiwork of the Creator. Based on the early emergence of the brain cortex, they might have been kind of smart, too. These ancient creatures can be thought of as parallels to those created on the Fifth Creation Day which began after the demise of the dinosaurs. These ones were created by God near the beginning of the Third Creation Day. These are not the modern creatures God would later create, but rather part of the Third Day ecosystem.