AOJ and RTB Creation Days Comparison

The chart below attempts to accurately represent the way in which Ages of Joy and Reasons To Believe identify the historical periods corresponding to the creation timeline provided in Genesis 1.

As you can see, AOJ and RTB each identify different periods of time with the Creation Days of Genesis 1.  Both models attempt to identify a sequential series with RTB identifying broad ranges and AOJ identifying terminus conditions between the Days.

Both models are useful and represent different ways of interpreting both the Biblical text and the important events in the history of life on Earth.

Reasons to Believe is an evangelical, apologetic, old-earth creationism ministry that promotes the concepts of day-age creationism, progressive creationism, scientific concordism.

In my Ages of Joy writings, I have derived much inspiration from RTB, and share the evangelical, apologetic, old-earth, day-age, and progressive creationism perspectives.  I am exploring the concepts focused on day-age creationism and historical concordism (where ancient history is discovered through scientific analysis), and Genesis 1 as a functional creation account inspired in part by concepts from John H. Walton's Lost World book series.  In short, I combine concepts from both RTB and John Walton. Since John Walton rejects scientific concordism outright, there is an apparent conflict between positions held by RTB and Walton. However, I see value brought by both positions and explore a synthesis in what I am calling historical concordism.

ICS Formal NamesAOJ Dates (Ma)AOJ Timespan
RTB Time spanHabitability For (scientific)Creation Habitat Work (biblical)AOJ NameHabitability Score
Hadean Eon4600- 3950BeginningBeginning1pre-life moleculesSpirit of God hovering over the deepHadean Yom0
Terminus: Late Heavy Bombardment; Orgin of DNA-based Life
Archean Eon
(extended to include proposed Oxygenian Period)
3950- 2420
Day 1
Day 2
simple single-celled life; Photosynthetic life; 11 hrs/day
light; regions of light and dark; days and nights
Archean Yom
2420- 2250
Terminus: Snowball Earth Conditions: Huronian Glaciation
Proterozoic Eon
(extended to include early Ediacaran Period)
2250- 1200
Day 2
Day 3Oxygenic and Eukaryotic life; possible early, tiny plants on landprotective firmament; atmospheric changes
zoic Yom
1200- 580Day 4Transparent atmosphere; 22 hrs/day; 400 days/yearsun, moon, stars occasionally visible
Terminus: Snowball Earth Conditions: Cryogenian to Gaskiers Glaciation
Paleozoic & Mesozoic Eras (excluding Late Cretaceous Epoch)580-100Day 3Day 5True Land-based plants and animals; ocean animalscontinents, rivers, seas; seed plants; woody angiospermsPaleo
zoic Yom
Terminus: Onset of Seasonal Climate and Rapid Proliferation of Fruit Trees
Late Cretaceous Epoch of Mesozoic Era100-66Day 424-hour circadian rhythm and seasonal climates; 23.8 hrs/day; 368 days/yearfunction of sun, moon, stars to consistently mark days, years, seasons tuned for human benefitNeozoic Yom4
Terminus: K-Pg Extinction Event-comet strike that wiped out the dinosaurs
Paleogene Period
(shortened to excluded Oligocene Epoch)
66-34Day 5Day 6telost fish radiation, modern birds, bats, marine mammals including whalesgreat sea creatures, living creatures that swarm in the water, winged birdsPaleo gene 
Terminus: E-O Extinction & Faunal Turnover;Transition from Hot/Warm to Cool/Cold Global Climate
Neogene Period (extended to include Oligocene Epoch)
Day 6
C4 fruit trees and grains; cattle; humans; pets; small game
livestock, creeping things, beasts; mankind; blessing of seed plants and fruit trees
Neo gene Yom
Terminus: Creation of Mankind-emergence of modern human behavior during the last ice age
Late Pleistocene & Holocene Epochs0-nowDay 7 and beyondhuman habitation and thrivingprovidence; human stewardshipAnthropogene Yom6+

For more information on the Reasons To Believe Creation Days see What are the Scientific Dates for the Starts and Ends of the Six Creation Days? (October 2020) by Hugh Ross

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